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„Unglaublich fesselnd! Addison Cains Schreibstil haut mich jedes Mal um!“ -NYT-Bestsellerautorin Anna Zaires

Ich bin in sie verliebt, seit sich unsere Blicke zum ersten Mal in dem Gefängnis begegneten, in dem sie geboren wurde. Ein Gefängnis, das sie niederbrannte, um meinem Anspruch zu entgehen.

  • Addison Cain Author
  • Addison Cain Author
  • Addison Cain Author


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Bewertung: 4/5
I am a big fan of cains omegaverse books so I decided to try this one out... Mehr anzeigen
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Bewertung: 5/5
I was looking for some new books to read and really enjoyed this book. I ended up... Mehr anzeigen
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Bewertung: 5/5
I have been devouring any book by this author. The only paranormal boo... Mehr anzeigen
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Bewertung: 5/5
Love Addison Cain books and this is one of the best series I've had the please of reading.
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Bewertung: 5/5
I couldn’t put it down! I stayed up all night until I finished it. I wasn’t even mad that I... Mehr anzeigen
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Bewertung: 3/5
That was one intergalactic, magical, out-of-this-world, psychotic story.
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Bewertung: 5/5
This was the 2nd time I've read the two books can't wait for the next in the series
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Bewertung: 4/5
Very Good - I enjoyed reading this book and recommend it to others.
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Bewertung: 5/5
This is a well written and totally engrossing story. Sigil is strong and dangerous w... Mehr anzeigen
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Bewertung: 5/5
Sigil is a cannibal with psionic powers who is loved and sought after by Sovereig... Mehr anzeigen
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Bewertung: 5/5
I have actually read this, and Sovereign 2 or 3 times now. The story is so compl... Mehr anzeigen
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Bewertung: 5/5
Finally, an author who knows what Dark Fantasy Paranormal Romance is! This... Mehr anzeigen
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